Sunday, October 16, 2005

A Pumpkin Patch and my little "punk"-ins. I also got some knitting done on my oldests sweater which is becoming a black hole. It seems no matter HOW much I knit on it it doesn't get any longer...and this is just the back! I still have the front and sleeves to do too! I'd take a photo of that but, well, it's just black... LOL. Posted by Picasa


At 12:57 PM, Blogger Kali said...

A day out picking pumpkins sounds like great fun! I hope it starts looking like you are making progress on your sweater soon, that is discouraging to work and work and look like you did nothing :)

At 1:24 PM, Blogger Mauren Mureaux said...

Was the pumpkin patch yesterday? (Sunday?) Deb and i drove up into Michigan a bit, it was just a gorgeous day...took some pictures of the sunset when we got to St. Joe on our way home...nope, they're not posted yet so don't bother! Heehee!!



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