Wednesday, July 13, 2005

OK, the good, the bad, and the ugly! (wah wah wah)

The good: I got one mitered square done, did one repeat on Charlotte, did two rows on DS's sweater, and the house is still really clean after our major clean last night. (The Prizoner of Azkaban is sitting on the ottoman waiting for me to get weak and read it though.)

The bad: something is wrong with my camera or the printer-port, or something, because it will NOT download my photos off of the camera on to the computer and I have NO idea why and I'm so irritated by this and upset I'm almost in tears.

The Ugly: Me crying over a stupid camera while sweating badly in this horrible heat and whining the whole time. (Maybe this should be the "very ugly" part?)

So I have no idea how long it will be before I can get a photo up again but at least I can chit chat. My dad used to say that my mouth ran like a robins "arse" in cherry season. For him, it was an insult, never would he have guessed that I would be able to turn it into something FUN. But then he never thought I was college material and here I am with a 3.68 GPA, so nanner nanner boo boo! Ha, he'd probably turn over in his grave (except he was cremated) at the thought of my choice of a career too! See, he was a upper level math teacher at my high school, I'm majoring in Earth Science, high school level, and I did very poorly then and embarrassed him. So, once again, nanner nanner boo boo! LOL

I surprised everyone (myself included) and I never thought that I'd EVER say this about myself, but I'm an over achiever. Yep, me, the girl who spent more time locked to my DH in school then to my studies. Oh, if I haven't told you before (or recently), my DH and I have been dating since I was 15 and he 18... 20 ??!!?? years in October, but married 14, also in October. So anyway my life's time line could very well go like this: good kid -> bad kid -> sickenly in love kid -> LOSER -> married -> respectable mom type person (who trusted me with these kids anyway???) -> over achieving college student with great dreams who, when out of school, eats, sleeps, thinks knitting while knitting like she's obsessed with knitting. So, the good, the bad, and the ugly, or in other words - a really long bout of "nothing you really needed to know about me".


At 9:03 AM, Blogger Kirsti said...

We'll still keep reading until you get the camera sorted out. Fret not. And what a life progression. I'm so glad that you're now thriving in college.

At 9:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

you know what, i didn't know i was an overachieving perfectionist until a few years ago, myself. it's funny how one can come through a childhood in which one's room is a constant pigsty and do mostly okay with grades, to acing almost every college course one takes and becoming obsessive about nearly everything, including where the toilet paper is to be stored and how the butter dish is placed on the counter.

eek. i'll bet we'd get along famously if we were to go out for coffee. :-)

(and, what kind of camera/computer? i MAY be able to offer some advice.)

At 10:35 AM, Blogger Kat said...

Thanks gals!

Yes Rachael, I'm super organized, we'd probably get along quite nicely LOL. And the table we were having coffee at would be the tidest one around eh?

Kirsti, I'm glad I am too because I really needed to prove something to the world and myself. It's a fantastic esteem booster to step out of your box and do well.

Michelle, I'm looking forward to meeting you someday too. I talk fast, I'm easily excitable (I'm bi-polar I believe) and can be quite silly. But I can be super serious when need be. I spent way to many years being unhappy, I choose now to be flakey at times because life is more fun that way. (So be warned LOL)

((hugs for everyone))


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