Monday, July 31, 2006

This freakin heat!

And it drove us to the mall today. We saw a movie, ate at a coney island, and spent much too much money. Oh and we got Miranda's ears pierced. She didn't hardly flinch and she's so proud of her sparkles. She paraded around like she was queen already or something. My in laws were there doing the same thing we were but not planned with us (a chance meeting) and are none to happy with me for getting them done. MIL thought she'd cry and FIL thinks anything I do is wrong and she shouldn't be allowed to have her ears pierced until she's 16. He can be such an ass.
Look how much she loves them! And I haven't caught her playing with them yet either. I did have to pull out my jewlery stash and show her my old post earrings from when I was a kid that she can wear in a few months. White unicorns and a set of gold unicorns and one pair of my old starters too. I have five holes in my ears if you're wondering. Anyway, in law disaproval to the side I'm really happy, daddy is happy, and most important SHE is happy. ooooh wicked and evil heat, you can not take away our happy happy joy joy no matter how much you make us melt (another 80 pounds perhaps??? lol)!! Hang in there folks and peace.


At 1:02 AM, Blogger Mauren Mureaux said...

Ugh! It's evilly (is that a word??) hot here too. So much so, that after Deb goes to unemployment tomorrow (she was fired today), and we stop by the dR's office to get lots and lots of samples of my very expensive blood pressure medicine, since we just lost all of our medical coverage...just shoot me now!...we're then going to either go spend the day at the library or at the COmmunity College down the street. I'm going to fill out a few more job apps, and knit a crapload. There's no freaking A/C in this house...Deb's parents are insane! Not even window units!!

Help. Me.


At 2:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aaaw, just adorable! Pretty color of earrings. I just don't understand why in-laws are so nosey. I don't remember any such disagreements between my folks & Grandparents. My friend over on the west side of the state has a mean Mother-in-Law, though.
I 'borrowed' your group pic. from Ann Arbor (properly, no bandwidth thief, me). Thanks!


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