Monday, August 22, 2005

Just keep moving, just keep moving, just keep moving, moving, moving.

See the progress bars on the right there? I've been working a little on this and a little on that and got to move some of them! Meg's TSP is half done...but now I'm thinking of another item to go with it... So when I get her TSP #1 done there just might be a TSP #2 that shows up, but it might be for a holiday gift and not her birthday. I also worked on the sock of the week...which is turning into sock of the month. I save the socks for knitting when waiting and knitting while being a passenger in a moving vehicle. And today, since it was soooo blissfully cool out I got out the Shoal Water shawl and put on two 4-row repeats. It took me approximately 4 hours too and I'm only about half done with it! How long is it going to take me per row later? It's damn scary.

On the kitty front, my MIL found a cat hospital around here and they seem to think that Alberts leg, if set correctly won't need an operation. But we'll have to take him in every week or two to have the cast checked because they grow so fast and it will have to be changed. If this doesn't work then we'll amputate it, but at least this way we may be able to save his leg and keep our house at the same time. He's a rockin' little cat and either way (3 or 4 legs) he'll continue to be one. So that's the update.

On the DH front: He hasn't called the neurologist yet, that's tomorrow. As soon as we know ANYTHING, I'll make sure I post it.

On the work front: The training session has been moved to NEXT week which totally pisses me off because that just means I won't get a paycheck that much longer. ARGH! And school starts Monday for the kids and Tuesday for me. I'm really looking forward to it too. (I'm sure I will be singing a different toon by Thanksgiving LOL.)


At 9:59 PM, Blogger Mauren Mureaux said...

Oh hey, that's somewhat more cheerful news about Albert. I've been thinking about the poor little guy...was wondering if the Vet you work with takes payments over time or would consider reducing payment if you do voulnteer work or would reduce payment for knitted pet beds or something...i dunno, my mind thinks of lots of things in crisis. LOL!! ;)


At 11:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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Come and check it out if you get time :-)

At 9:09 AM, Blogger Kirsti said...

Thanks for the updates, both on knitting and on the kitty. Glad that you've found a hospital that will help.

Good luck with the TSPs :) They can be such fun, if a little frustrating not to be able to show them off...


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