Monday, August 29, 2005

And they're off.....!!!

Ok, for some reason this bus photo disappeared from the post so now it's at the top. Sometimes I swear my fingers have a different mind. So read below and all will become clear lol.

Oh I love my camera, check this zoom out! As you can see they're way down the road, approximately 5 houses away and we have just over a half acre lot ourselves. I was wobbling so bad I had to brace my arms on the mailbox and put the settings on high action. I was able to yell loud enough to get Garrett, Grant and the neighbor boy to look up long enough for me to snap this second photo. Then I can't believe I got the third one (see photo #1)! Both boys and the school bus. Max is going to first grade but I have to take him in an hour for the 1st grade orientation. Half day today, the older two
will ride the bus home and tomorrow I'll try and get Max and the school bus, plus the boys will have their backpacks. I haven't bought any school supplies yet, I'm waiting for my discount at work. Do you blame me? I think not. LOL

I love this school bus photo, it's almost perfect isn't it? The sun hitting the left front fender... I just got all sentimental holy cow. I'm so PMSing. Something made me cry last night, something really, really stupid, a commercial or something.

Knitting News: I am extremely happy to announce that I got Meg's TSP done last night. It needs to be washed and blocked but it's done and it looks better then I could have wanted. I hope she likes it as much as I imagine her to.

Ok I'm not sure what happened to the bus photo. I'll try again.


At 9:59 AM, Blogger Kirsti said...

Yay for finishing the TSP and I can't wait to see what it is!

And yep, that school bus photo is just perfect. Hope that you enjo the peace and quiet today...

At 11:10 AM, Blogger Mauren Mureaux said...

Oh wow! Great photos!!

I got to hear first day of school horror stories yesterday at Em's After Vegas Wedding Shower...

Aparently my 5 year old Nephew, London, got dropped off at home instead of taken to the after school program on his first day of Kindergarten and was found by a neighbor crying outside the door of his condo. My brother Steve wouldn't have been home for another 4 hours so it's a good thing the neighbor heard him crying. Apparently London had bushed all of the buzzers on the panel and someone let him in and then he sat in the hall outside his door crying.

The school never once called my brother or his fiance to let them know that London didn't show up to the after school program...they called Jenn's Mom instead and she called Jenn all in a panic.

The kids wear picture ID tags pinned to them with their name, addrss, ph# a.m. bus/p.m. bus etc and the driver is NOT supposed to let the kids off without a parent waiting for them at the stop. Jenn is furious! And apparently this happened to about a dozen different kids.


At 10:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great pictures! Your camo hats look cool (I mean they'll be cozy warm, but they're cool, y'know lol). I'm so glad your kitten should be ok! Love the little furry folk, bless 'em. :-)
-meg of inchbyinch


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