Friday, October 28, 2005

toes and socks

Well First I had to start with Mirandas toes. She's quite proud of her purple nails.
This time she finally waited until they were dry, usually we have at least one totally smudged one. It's funny how I never paint my fingers so she never asks for hers to be painted. Just another thing to illustrate how they learn by copying. Such cute little piggies LOL.

And here's a photo of the progress on the sock. Seems I'm much slower at knitting socks when I only work on them at school. But if I can't get the second one done by Christmas then I have a birthday or two in January that I will have them done by so all is good. I will need a second ball of yarn, which rots since they're $7 US. $14...something seems really wrong about that. LOL Hey, did you happen to see that I'm now part of the Fluffy Knitters Ring? Yep, fluffy, that's me! Now if only someone would come out with some flattering plus size knitting patterns I'd be, well, knitting until my fingers locked up. *grin*

I've also got my next semester all planned out now too. Three more classes and I graduate in May... from Washtenaw Community College LOL, still have a few years to go at Eastern Michigan. Two days a week I have two-three hour gaps in between classes which means what kiddos? More socks. Yep you're correct. I have one class that is M-W-F in the morning and M-W my other two classes and none of them a geology class which bums me out, but what can I do? The three classes are 12 credits and the last three.

I brought the pumpkins in an hour ago, I'm hoping they will be warm so we can clean them tonight, carve them tomorrow and get them back outside. I have tonight off to go to my kids fall festival at their school, which is a ton of fun let me tell you. I look forward to it just as much as the kids do. So for now I'm off to work on my report some more. Have a great Friday!


At 4:35 PM, Blogger Kirsti said...

Sounds like a heavy school schedule but it'll be worth it to be done. And you can always knit during lectures, right? ;)

Have fun with the pumpkins. We've still got to get ours. The best bit is roasting the seeds ... the worst bit is cleaning them first!

At 12:07 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow! How did she sit still long enough for her toes to dry? I have problems doing that.

Incredible... not only do you have your classes, but you also have your knitting scheduled! You Rock!

Please take pics of the pumpkin.


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